Friday 21:24

Finally I was able to see the Louvre with my own two eyes. It’s one thing to see famous works of art in photographs, but to see them in person? There’s no comparison.


Thursday 10:16

Every morning feels like a new beginning.


Wednesday 16:43

I’m still not so great at photography, but I like that the subject is out of focus. Or maybe I was just paying too much attentions to the flowers—such a beautiful shade of red.


Tuesday 13:04

Exploring the streets of Paris, my new home. I've dreamed about this place for so long that it doesn't feel real. I'll be staying at a hotel for now, just until I find a place to settle down for good.


Monday 9:18

On my way. Are those the Alps in the distance? I can't wait to go sightseeing.


Monday 7:54

Today is the day. I went early to the airport so I wouldn't miss my flight. Left the car in the airport parking lot with its owner. I'll have to buy a métro card when I arrive.